Minerals & Vitamins for Better Sleep

Top 5 Minerals & Vitamins for Better Sleep

May 10, 2024

Are you eating right? Are you making sure that all your nutritional bases are covered? If not, you may be sabotaging your sleep in a big way. This leads to fatigue, irritability, poor decision-making, and decreased productivity. Healthy sleep habits are built during the day too—meaning that no matter what, you can fix it. In this article we’ll get into a few top vitamins and minerals that play a vital role in getting your sleep right. But first, a little context.


Why Am I Always Tired?

Feeling perpetually tired is an agonizing feeling. Nothing feels quite right, you’re not quite as sharp as you feel like you should be, and you were just going to say something but… you lost your train of thought. It’s a frustrating, yet common feeling that impacts our daily lives, and it can be caused by a few things:


Lifestyle Factors

Lack of sleep: This one’s obvious and the primary cause of fatigue. 95% of people need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you’re tired from getting 6 hours, then you’re just like the rest of us and you need to sleep more.

Unhealthy diet: Poor eating habits are a big one for sleep. Excessive ultra-processed foods cause inflammation and other effects, leaving you feeling drained even when sleeping enough.

Stress and emotional challenges: Dealing with stress, depression, or life changes (such as caring for a newborn) will lead to fatigue. These things are natural, and can be hard to avoid. We’ve created resources for new mothers here.

Excessive physical activity: It’s important to strike a balance. Both too little and too much physical activity can cause tiredness and fatigue.


Medical Conditions

Anemia: Low iron levels can cause fatigue. Iron is crucial for creating hemoglobin, which transports oxygen.

Depression and Anxiety: Mental health conditions often lead to persistent tiredness.
Chronic Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, and Lung Disease (COPD): These illnesses can affect energy levels.

Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism): An underactive thyroid slows down metabolism, leading to fatigue.

Chronic Infections: Bacterial or viral infections may leave you feeling drained.

Fibromyalgia: A condition characterized by widespread pain and fatigue.


Healthy Sleep Habits: Defeating Nutrient Deficiencies

Now, outside of lifestyle factors and medical conditions, poor nutritional practices are hugely damaging to healthy sleep habits. Let’s get into a few vitamins and minerals you can introduce to supplement better sleep. Here’s what the scientific and academic research over sleep has to say:



Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves, particularly green tea, that has tons of health benefits. First of all, it can help with anxiety and preexisting sleep conditions. Additionally, studies suggest that consuming theanine before bed can improve sleep quality and quantity. It works by promoting bodily relaxation and facilitating sleep through its impact on neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.


Vitamin B

Vitamin B, including B3, B6, B9 (folate), and B12, plays a key role in your body creating sleep hormones. Vitamin B12 is a big mover in melatonin production, which is the hormone that helps regulate sleep. Deficiencies in vitamins B1 or B2 may lead to fatigue or sleep problems. Supplementing a deficiency with multivitamins or foods rich in vitamin B like salmon, eggs, or avocados are easy fixes.



Melatonin is a star of the bedtime show. It’s the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, signaling to your body when it’s time to get sleepy. Though it’s produced naturally in the body, there are tons of outside factors and lifestyle choices that disrupt melatonin production. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. If you feel like you’re not getting enough melatonin naturally, pop over to the nearest pharmacy and you can start supplementing.



Iron deficiency, especially iron-deficiency anemia, has countless adverse effects of overall wellbeing, sleep disturbances included. Low iron levels are linked to restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea. Iron is essential for creating hemoglobin, which transports oxygen. Supplementing a deficiency with iron tablets may improve sleep quality and alleviate symptoms related to anemia.



Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that contributes to relaxation and healthy sleep patterns. It’s a precursor to serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin affects mood, while melatonin regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Foods rich in tryptophan include meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, and some fruits. Snack on a thick turkey sandwich a few hours before bed and experience bliss.


Incorporating these simple nutritional changes into your diet will definitely improve your sleep and overall well-being. Remember to consult with your doctor and get your bloodwork done before you start supplementing. That way, you can narrow down your potential issue. So, keep nature’s bounty in mind for the future, and sleep well!